Jim Breuckman

City Manager
Jim Breuckman

The City Manager directly supervises the department heads such as the City Clerk, City Treasurer, Department of Public Works, Parks and Recreation, and Police Chief. Some of the items that the City Manager’s office oversees include:


Supervising Department Heads, providing direction and oversight of personnel issues, contract relations and negotiations, developing public administration policies.

Organizational Development

Generating policies and adapting them to changing needs or revised laws/codes. Being aware of new systems and methods as they apply to the city.

Community Relations

Listen to the needs and desired services of the community. Providing information to the public about programs and services. Responding to inquiries about the City of Pleasant Ridge.

Budget Administration

Develop and prepare annual budget for the City Council. Consult with Department Heads regarding financial issues. Monitor and evaluate the City’s financial condition. Plan for long range and capital improvement projects.

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