Master Plan and Parks and Recreation Plan Review Draft

The review drafts of the online Master Plan and Parks and Recreation Plan are available for review at

The full plan documents are available for download at the following links (the files are large, 40-60mb):

The plans incorporate the valuable feedback we’ve received from the community this past summer and fall. We encorage you to review the draft plans and provide us with any further feedback you have now that the first draft of the plans are complete.

You can provide your feedback in the following  ways:

  • Through the website
  • Via email to Jane Dixon at
  • Via USPS mail to Jane Dixon, 235 E. Main Street, Suite 105, Northville, MI 48167
  • Attend the Recreation Commission meeting on Wednesday, January 29, 7 pm at 4 Ridge Road
  • Attend the Planning Commission Master Plan Review Public Hearing on Monday, February 10, 7pm at City Hall – 23925 Woodward Avenue
The Recreation and Planning Commissions will review the respective plans and consider them for approval at the above mentioned meetings or future meetings. Once each plan is approved, they will be sent to the CIty Commission for concurrent approval.
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