Final Curbside Leaf Pickup
December 3: Curbside leaf collection is complete on all streets. Any leaves placed at the curb in the street after the completion times noted below will not be picked up. Bagged leaves will be picked up on Monday with garbage/compost collection until monday December 16.
December 2: Brilar is plowing the leaves rather than vacuuming them due to the snow and freezing temperatures over the weekend. Plowing the leaves is not as tidy as vacuuming, but with the rain, snow, and cold the past 2+ weeks plowing the leaves will ensure that we get most of them cleaned off the street.
We will not be sweeping the streets after the leaves are picked up due to the salt that was put down over the weekend. Salt will damage the street sweeper.
November 27: Brilar has made some progress on the final leaf pickup for the east side, but much remains. They will pick up where they left off on Monday, December 2. Once the east side is complete they will move to the west side.
November 25: Last call for curbside leaf pickup!
Brilar started their final leaf pickup pass through the east side of the City on Monday, November 25. Brilar will continue picking up leaves until they have completed each street on the east side. Final leaf pickup is scheduled to being on the west side on Monday, December 2. However, with the short Thanksgiving week it is likely that some east side streets will need to be picked up first before Brilar can start on the west side the week of December 2. Once each street has been picked up for the final time, curbside leaf pickup will be done for the year.
Brilar will not pick up any leaves placed at the curb after the final pickup happens on each street. If leaves are placed at the curb after leaf pickup is completed on your street, you will have to bag the leaves for compost pickup. Residents can bag leaves for compost pickup until Monday, December 16.
Please ensure that only leaves are placed at the curb, and that cars are not parked on the street during the day until the leaves are picked up. Use compost bags for vines, old potted plants, flowers, brush, sticks, tree branches, pumpkins, etc.
This notice will be updated with the day and time that each street is completed. We will also be sweeping the streets immediately after Brilar completes the final leaf pickup.
Please note that the weather forecast for the week of December 2 is calling for sub-freezing temperatures. Snow or freezing rain may negatively impact curbside leaf pickup. It may be advisable to bag leaves and place them at the curb for compost pickup on Monday to avoid any issue with leaves in the street.
Day & Time Completed:
- Amherst – November 27 (3:15 pm)
- Bermuda – December 2 (11:30 am)
- Cambridge East – December 2 (4:00 pm)
- Cambridge West – December 3 (4:00 pm)
- Devonshire – November 26 (3:15 pm)
- Elm Park Avenue – December 3 (11:30 am)
- Elm Park Boulevard – December 2 (4:00 pm)
- Fairwood – December 2 (11:30 am)
- Hanover – December 3 (2:45 pm)
- Indiana – December 2 (11:30 am)
- Kenberton – December 2 (4:30 pm)
- Kensington – November 26 (10:45 am)
- Maplefield – December 3 (11:15 am)
- Maywood – November 27 (4:45 pm)
- Millington – December 2 (2:00 pm)
- Norwich – December 3 (4:00 pm)
- Oakdale – December 3 (3:30 pm)
- Oakland Park – December 3 (10:15 am)
- Oxford – December 2 (4:15 pm)
- Poplar Park – December 2 (2:00 pm)
- Ridge – December 3 (3:45 pm)
- Sylvan – December 2 (11:30 am)
- Wellesley – November 27 (10:15 am)
- Woodside Park – December 2 (12:30 pm)
- Woodward Heights – December 2 (11:30 am)