Parks and Recreation Master Plan Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE FOR CITY OF PLEASANT RIDGE RESIDENTS, OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO PASS RESOLUTION OF ADOPTION: 2025-2029 FIVE-YEAR PARKS AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN Public Hearing: Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 7:30 PM Notice is hereby given to any and all interested parties that Pleasant Ridge is seeking public comment on the Pleasant Ridge Five Year 2025-2029
MDOT Woodward Corridor Plan Open House
MDOT is developing a corridor plan for the future of Woodward Avenue. This is the first step towards a major Woodward project in the future. Past Woodward projects have focused on maintaining the pavement as is, but this corridor plan will develop a comprehensive vision for the corridor that considers the needs of all users
January 14, 2025 City Commission Meeting
The January 14 City Commission meeting will be held at 7:30 pm in the City Commission chambers at City Hall, located at 23925 Woodward Avenue. Meeting documents are available at this link. The meeting will be streamed live on the City’s YouTube channel at, and the meeting will be broadcast on public access Channel 10 (WOW)
Elections Text Messages
You may receive text messages such as the one shown at right. It appears that the State of Michigan sent that text without prior notice to any local or County clerks. Please know that the City of Pleasant Ridge will never text message you about any election-related issues. We only communicate via USPS, or by
Public Art Plan Design Workshop
Join the Pleasant Ridge Arts Council on Wednesday, July 24 at 6:30 pm at 4 Ridge for our Public Art Plan design workshop. Please note that there were three workshops scheduled for the evenings of July 22-24, but the Arts Council has condensed that into one workshop on July 24. The workshop will focus on:
Recreation and Master Plan Input Opportunity at the Ice Cream Social
Give your feedback on some of the goals and suggested policies for the 5-Year Parks and Recreation Plan and the Master Plan at the 2024 Pleasant Ridge Ice Cream Social on Wednesday, July 17 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Pool. The project team will be set up under the pavilion and you only
Master Plan and Parks Plan Visioning Workshop – Tuesday May 21
REMINDER! There will be a visioning workshop for the Community Master Plan and Parks and Recreation Plan on Tuesday, May 21 from 4pm – 7pm. This is a drop in event so you can stop by at any time between 4 and 7. There will be a brief presentation by the consultant team at 6pm.
Art Framework Plan Survey
The Pleasant Ridge Arts Council (PRAC) is working on an Arts Plan for the City. The PRAC will use the Arts Plan to guide their work in future years. Now is your chance to help us develop a vision for the arts in Pleasant Ridge! Take the Survey at This Link: The survey is
Pleasant Ridge Master Plan and Parks and Recreation Plan
Engage, Envision, and Shape the Future of Pleasant Ridge The City is embarking on a joint process to prepare a new Master Land Use Plan and a 5-year Parks and Recreation Plan, and we need your input! For detailed information related to the planning process please visit the project webpage. It will be updated with
Woodward Streetscape Project Update
Work on the Northbound Woodward streetscape project between Sylvan and 696 is scheduled to resume on Monday, April 29. Phase 1 will include completion of the streetscape improvements on Woodward from Sylvan to 696. The right lane on Woodward and Main Street will be closed while the contractor completes the remaining streetscaping and landscaping work.
Safe Streets for All Public Workshop
What would make Pleasant Ridge streets safer? In partnership with six surrounding Southeast Oakland County communities, we want to hear from you about what would make getting around Pleasant Ridge and the surrounding area safer, easier, and more enjoyable. Join us for a public workshop at 6 pm on Wednesday, May 8 at the PR
Robert M. Ried Appointed New Chief of Police
The City of Pleasant Ridge is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert M. Ried as its new Chief of Police. With over 23 years in Pleasant Ridge law enforcement, Ried brings a wealth of experience, a strong commitment to community safety, and a proven leadership track record to the position. Under Ried’s guidance, the
2025 Woman’s Club Scholarship Application
PRWC 2025 Scholarship Application The Pleasant Ridge Woman’s Club Scholarship is open to all seniors in the Ferndale School District. Deadline to submit is April 7th, 2025. Attachments 2025-Local-Scholarship-Application_generic-Pre-fillable (281 kB)
January Loose Brush Pickup and Salt Delivery
Loose brush pickup is scheudled for Tuesday, January 16. There is a large amount of brush and branches down around the City, so it may take more than one day to complete. Davey may also be delayed starting collection by a day or two given the regional nature of the winter storm. Please have your
2024 Presidential Primary Absentee Voting Forms
Two documents for the February 27, 2024 Presidential Primary have been mailed out: permanent absentee voter ballot selection forms, and absentee voter applications. Permanent Absentee Voter Ballot Selection Form With the passage of proposal 2 in November 2022, Michigan voters can choose to be on a permanent absentee voter list and automatically receive a ballot