Pleasant Ridge Historical Commission Speaker Series:
Researching Your Historic Home
Thursday, August 8th
7 pm
The presentation will be held at the PR Community Center
Seating is limited for this event.
The Pleasant Ridge Historical Commission announces Ted J. Ligibel, Ph.D. for their 2019 Speaker Series. Dr. Ligibel will be presenting “Researching Your Historic Home.” Dr. Ligibel began a distinguished career in historic preservation in 1974 and served as the director of Eastern Michigan University’s graduate Historic Preservation program from 1999 until 2018. He has written numerous works on historic preservation, including most recently co-authoring the 3rd edition of Historic Preservation: An Introduction to its History, Principles, and Practice (2018), the nation’s best-selling textbook on historic preservation.
This is a free event! Please register at the Rec. Center or click here