Curbside Leaf Pickup Begins

Fall Leaf Pickup

Curbside leaf pickup in late October or early November and alternates weekly between the east and west sides. Cambridge (east) and Woodward Heights will be picked up each week due to the large volume of leaves and traffic on those streets. Leaf pickup information is published in annually in the Ridger and on the homepage of the website.

If all leaves are picked up from one side of the City early in the week, Brilar may move on and pick up some leaves from the other side of the City. Don’t worry if this happens, Brilar will be back the following week as scheduled.

Fall Weather and Schedule Adjustments

Fall weather is unpredictable and almost always interrupts our schedule. Updates will be posted here, in this notice, if schedule adjustments are necessary.

Will Leaf Collection Be Extended?

No. As we get into December the risk of significant snowfall greatly increases. If leaves are still out on the street and it snows, we may not be able to pick up the leaves and will have to plow them back onto the lawn creating a mess. Based on experience from past years we will not extend the leaf pickup schedule. You can place laves in yard waste bags for compost pickup on trash days until December 14.

2023 Collection Dates

Week of October 30: West Side + Woodward Heights

Week of November 6: East Side + Cambridge East

Week of November 13: West Side + Woodward Heights

Week of November 20: East Side + Cambridge East

Week of November 27*: Final pickup begins starting with the West Side

*pickup will continue into the following week if necessary until all streets have been picked up

Leaf pickup is a major task, as we generate more leaves per capita than any other nearby community. We ask for your cooperation to ensure that the process is as smooth and efficient as possible. The best thing you can do to help us is:

  • Ensure that ONLY leaves are placed at the curb. No other materials may be mixed in with the leaves as this can damage the equipment. Vines, old potted plants, flowers, brush, sticks, tree branches, pumpkins, etc. will damage the leaf pickup equipment and will impact our ability to efficiently pick up leaves. These other items may be placed in compost bags for pickup on Monday morning.
  • Do not park cars on the street during the day until the leaves on your street are picked up. Parked cars are a major impediment to efficient and complete leaf pickup.
Bagged Leaf Pickup

Residents may place leaves at the curb in compost bags for pickup on garbage collection days throughout the yard waste collection period. The last day for bagged leaf pickup is usually the second Monday of December.


Oct 30 2023


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