We need your input!
Pleasant Ridge and Ferndale have partnered on a safety audit of Woodward. This is part of our ongoing efforts to improve the walking and biking experience along our stretch of Woodward from 8 mile to 696.
The study will assess current conditions, engage the community, and provide detailed design recommendations walking and biking along and across Woodward safer and more enjoyable. Toole Design, an international sustainable transportation design firm, is leading the study. Primary funding is provided by a $40,000 SEMCOG grant.

You can get involved in this process in the following ways:
- Complete this community survey.
- Mark your calendar for 6pm-8pm on Thursday, April 18 for a walking audit of Woodward led by Toole Design. We will walk a portion of the route and assess current conditions. Meet at the northwest corner of 9 and Woodward in front of the Rust Belt Market. RSVP at this link (available Thursday, March 28).
- Keep up to date at the project website – more details and materials will be posted as the project progresses.
If you have any additional questions, please contact Ferndale Planning Manager Justin Lyons at jlyons@ferndalemi.gov or Pleasant Ridge City Manager Jim Breuckman at citymanager@cityofpleasantridge.org.